SMS Short code Services

Short codes are short numbers that are used by companies to make client to company communication faster and smoother. Short codes are generally 4-6 digits in length, like 5674, 26783 and so on. They are generally network-independent, meaning customers from all carriers can send SMS to a certain short code.

Uses of short Codes Services

User of Short Code Includes

  • Voting
  • Emergency services
  • Helpline
  • Marketing
  • Charity
  • Radio services
  • TV services

and so on.

Types of short codes

Standard and Premium
Based on the charge involved, short codes are of 2 kinds- standard and premium. Standard short codes do not require any fee from the customers when they text. On the other hand, premium short codes charge quite high for the same purpose.

Shared and Dedicated
Based on the nature of the service, short codes can be divided into two categories- shared and dedicated.
Shared short code is a code that is commonly in use by two or more entities within the same region, for example, mobile phone voting.
Dedicated ones, on the other hand, are used for promotion and marketing along with their original purposes. For example, AIRTEL, DIAMOND and so on.

Short code hosting
Short codes in general come in a more complex procedure than long codes. There are a lot of factors to overcome, like carrier barriers, conflict with existing local codes within a country and so. A dedicated application built with the proper subscription and opt-out facilities is needed to proceed with such a service.

What we offer
At, we offer hassle-free services to help you in getting your desired SMS short code Services . All you need to do is sign up with us, and after a few steps and a final PayPal verification, you would be the proud owner of your own personal short code for your business.

Our coverage
Currently we are offering out short code services in the following regions:

  • Europe
  • Africa
  • Middle East
  • Asia


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